

Chimay Beer is a Belgian Trappist beer that has been brewed by the monks of Scourmont Abbey since 1862. It is one of only 11 Trappist breweries in the world, meaning that it is operated by Trappist monks and meets strict guidelines for production and distribution.

There is no more iconic Belgian beer than Chimay. It is first among Trappist Breweries, of which there are only eleven in the world. To be called Trappist, beers must be brewed by Trappist monks on the grounds of their monastery. Chimay has been brewed in the Notre-Dame de Scourmont Abbey in the the town of Chimay since 1862. The beer is just extraordinary.

Many people don’t realize that many Belgian Beer age remarkably well. At Stage Left and Catherine Lombardi we have always aged beer and now we have one of the finest aged beer selections in the country. We’re going to dig deep into our own cellar for this dinner, and also include some beers that are available nowhere else in NJ, and one rare bird that was only produced in 2012.

Chimay Blue Beer

Chimay Blue is an Authentic Belgian Trappist beer and is therefor brewed whit in the monastery walls, it has a second fermentation in the bottle, and an alcohol content of 9%.
The Chimay Blue is a dark ale with a powerful aroma. Its complex flavor improves with passing time.

Chimay Red Beer

Chimay Red is an Authentic Belgian Trappist beer and is therefor brewed whit in the monastery walls, it has a second fermentation in the bottle, and an alcohol content of 7%.
The Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery color and sweet, fruity taste make it a particularly tasty dark ale.

Chimay White Beer

Chimay Triple is a Belgian Triple beer, it has a second fermentation in the bottle, and an alcohol content of 8%.
The Chimay Triple, which is the brewery’s most recent creation,is labelled “Cinq Cents” in 75 cl bottles.
It is golden in colour, and succeeds remarkably in blending mellowness and bitterness.

Chimay Blond Beer

Chimay Triple is a Belgian Triple beer, it has a second fermentation in the bottle, and an alcohol content of 8%.
The Chimay Triple, which is the brewery’s most recent creation,is labelled “Cinq Cents” in 75 cl bottles.
It is golden in colour, and succeeds remarkably in blending mellowness and bitterness.

Beer Specification