Are you looking for advice or assistance for your Belgian beer distribution or your brand management in China? Do not hesitate to call us we have almost 30 years experience selling Belgian beer in China and we love to promote our Belgian beer culture.
Baudouin Snel Owner and Director Belgian Beer Supply Division of China Euro Services Group Shenzhen, Hong-Kong and Brussels +86 138 2314 8694 +32 488 160 490
China Main Office
China Euro Services Co., Ltd Shenzhen High Tech Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,China Tel: +86 755 2660 4137 /Mob.: +86 138 2314 8694
Hong Kong Mother Company
China Euro Services international Ltd Boss Commercial Centre Rm 1003 28 Ferry Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852 5124 3974
European Rep Office
China Euro Services SPRL Avenue Huart Hamoir 48 1030 Brussels Belgium Tel + 32 488 160490