

Container loading and sea transport from Belgium to China

  • Book a suitable vessel, double confirm with the customer about the port info, very important!
  • Check and confirm shipping instruction with customers, then provide to shipping forwarder.
  • Check with the customer which documents he needs for customs clearance, like CO, HC, BL, INVOICE, PACKING LIST, etc.  Original copies or scanned copies are OK.
  • Provide correct info to supplier to issue certificates of CO, HC.
  • Update the container shipping follow up sheet.
  • Purchase insurance for container before ETD.


Customs declaration procedures and preparation

When the container almost arrives:

  • prepare customs declare documents (PO, CO, packing list, etc.) and send to cooperated importer.
  • Inform the sales department for balance collection from customer.
  • After balance collected, confirm with customer their warehouse address and delivery time, then arrange inland transport by truck to warehouse of customer
  • Follow the container delivery, send requested documents (Chinese label format, bottling date sheet …) to customer.
  • Arrange balance payment to supplier
  • Update the container shipping follow up sheet;
  • Arrange importation fee to the importer and follow up the Health Certificate;
  • Arrange the insurance fee to insurance company;
  • Make actual container costing sheet and update it to the container summary.

Bottle Labeling

Labeling of the product name, ingredients and specifications in Chinese on the back label at the minimum is a complicated process to be completed carefully. Otherwise goods can be refused at customs and faces lengthy and costly process to regularize. Thanks to our long experience, we help the brewery to overcome this hurdle. Chinese customs are very picky on the format of the expiration and production date, key ingredients, size of characters, and brand registration, specially in Chinese.

Chinese labels for translation of English label

Stickers print and put to bottles in Belgium.

Rochefort brand Label

Killer brand Label

Inland transporation from port/warehouse to client

Some containers are imported and stock by our own company in Shenzhen, some are directly to local big distributors in Shanghai, Tianjing/Beijing or Wenzhou /Fujian locations. We need to make sure the local transportation is done on time after all payments, hygiene and customs procedure are completed.

Stock management

We carefully manage the stock for ourselves or for the Belgian brewery in our warehouse in Shenzhen, or if necessary in an third party warehouse in other port cities. During warehousing, we take care of having of avoiding high temperature to preserve the beer. We complete the bottle labeling with Chinese sticker if necessary and take this opportunity to check the quality of the carton or bottle, in case some damage took place during sea transportation. Also we double check the actual production dates of the product which may vary from actual reported dates and cause big legal problems in supermarkets.